martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009



Esta obra corresponde a un trabajo de investigación hecho por mi padre, que era ingeniero minero de la UNAM; que en 1945 comprobó que las teorías de la relatividad estaban equivocadas, y a mí, que desde 1965 he estado investigando la física y he comprobado que la física moderna adolece del mismo problema; yo soy ingeniero civil egresado de la UNAM.
Galileo y Newton, desarrollaron la física macroscópica; igual que mi padre y yo, de una manera objetiva desarrollamos la física ultramicroscópica. Despué de un siglo de la muerte de Newton la física fue perdiendo algo de su objetividad al imponerse muchas teorías ondulatorias, y este problema aumentó con la física moderna, especialmente con el criterio subjetivo de Einstein.
Para evitar que se piratearan nuestras idea, que me interesa divulgar; primero por internet personal, para acreditarnos; cada tema lo he registrado en el Gobierno del Estado de Nuevo Leon, y en el Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Nuevo Leon; y en muchas ocasiones en otras entidades; asegurando nuestra prioridad. Dos ideas que habían sido siempre rechazadas por la física moderna, y que fueron expuestas por mi, con anterioridad por internet personal; pensaron unos ladrones, que sería muy fácil apropiarse de ellas, de una manera disfrazada; por lo cual , en complicidad del Comité Noblel de Física, se les adjudicó dicho premio en el 2005, y en el 2008 a dichos ladrones.
Tengo el apoyo de muchos particulares; pero no de los que me podrían dar un reconocimiento oficial; que están actuando de una manera muy falsa, porque la verdad y Dios, están muy por arriba de ellos. Al tratar de ignorar nuestro trabajo, ha sido muy perjudicial en muchos aspectos; por ejemplo , nuestro querido presidente ha dicho: cero tolerancia a la corrupción; sin embargo ha ignorado completamente mis reclamos; otro gobernante muy digno, como es el Rey de Suecia ha entregado personalmente el Premio Nobel a ladrones.
Si se ignoró nuestro trabajo de investigación, ahora se han visto obligados a soportar las verdades, que son muy bochornosas para ellos. En este trabajo hay dos aspectos que se tienen que resolver definitivamente (no enredarlos...): Razones para ignorar nuestro trabajo: y razones para aceptarlo. Dar todas las facilidades para esto, como son las razones y atribuciones científicas, y la humanitarias, que correspondan a las personas mas indicadas y no comprometidas. Agradezco a las empresas de Internet las facilidades que me han dado para este objetivo; igualmente al tecnico en internet José Luis Azueta por su trabajo de internet público, que aquí estoy empleando.

Atentamente: Manuel de Hoyos Robles. Monterrey, México, Noviembre del 2009

Quiero agradecer el apoyo que he tentido, exclusivamente como investigador científico, de diferentes personas, que dentro de su especialidad me han brindado, como el Dr. Rodolfolfo Castillo Bahena, ex director del Depto, de Física del ITESM; de Don Gonzalo Estrada Cruz, director del prestigiado periódico A.B.C.; de Rolando Leal Gonzalez, técnico en computación; de muchas otras personas que no puedo memsionar por falta de espacio. En mi trabajo de investigación también he tenido actitudes negativas de algunas personas; pero este es un problema exclusivo entre estas personas y yo; en esto no puedo ni quiero involucrar a terceras personas. No se me puede tachar de agresivo e inmodesto, por lo que aquí diga; únicamente me concreto a decir la verdad, para información científica, por un lado; y por otro como una defensa personal por el otro.. En este trabajo (2 partes), por lo extenso (2 partes) y por lo limitado de mi tiempo; no está exento de errores; que los lectores amablemente me los indicarán, o que yo posteriormente los perciba. Anticipo las gracias a todos los que por su buena voluntad acerten ideas, como todas las nuevas que se hacen con buena voluntad.

Monterrey México; Septiembre del 2009 Manuel de Hoyos Robles

El progreso de la física microscópica:
Una cabina que refeje la gravedad sustituirá a los cohetes movidos por flujos propulsores ∫∫∫∫∫ mg dm =∫∫∫∫ mc dm = ∫∫∫1.673 x 10—27 dm = ∫∫ 5.975 x 1024 dm = ∫ Universo dm ¿Existe lo infinitamente pequeño y lo infinitamente grande? Si lo ms pequeño que puede existir es un microcorpúsculo de gravedad, se pierde el concepto de mas pequeño.. Si la gravedad producida en el centro de un de un Universo se refleja con la gravedad producida en el centro de otro Universo; se pierde el concepto de infinitamente grande 0 = ∫ c dv ¿Por qué los microcorpúsculos y corpúsculos se pieden mover de cero velocidad a c velocidad? El concepto de temperatura se tiene que limitar a a existencia de los átomos; partículas que no estén de acuerdo con lo anterior, podrán tener velocidades mayores; por lo cual a su energía cinética yo le he llamado temperatura Estanislao.. Todo esto, así lo ha dispuesto Dios


El progreso de todos nuestros conocimiento se ha debido a t las observaciones y a su correcta interpretación. En la antigüedad se consideraba que la Tierra era el centro del Universo y era plana. Se puede decir que el nacimiento de la verdadera física se originó con Galileo y Newton; porque ellos se concretaron a explicar la acción de los fenómenos físicos, exclusivamente de acuerdo con la observación de estos, sin pretender explicar su origen. Como la luz se mueve en el espacio sideral, tenía que ser de naturaleza corpuscular. De acuerdo con los conocimientos y requerimientos en sus épocas se pudo suponer que el espacio interestelar estaba afectado por la masa de los cuerpos celestes, formando lo que se consideró como un campo de fuerza que actuaba sobre dichos cuerpos de acuerdo con las observaciones de la acción de la gravedad, tanto en los cuerpos terrestres como astronómicos. De acuerdo con todo esto se evitaron cometer contradicciones.

Un siglo después de la muerte de Newton, se produjo el peor retroceso de la física; al imponerse la idea de que las radiaciones (gravitatorias, luz, sondo...) tenían que ser de naturaleza ondulatoria. Newton supuso que el medio productor de la luz emitía radiaciones corpusculares en todas direcciones, produciendo un campo uniforme de radiaciones en dicho espacio. En su experimento con el prisma refringente, obtuvo un rayo de luz en línea recta (en un agujero pasan muchos rayos paralelos de luz, algunos se reflejan evemnte en las paredes del agujero...), interponiendo una pantalla con un pequeño agujero. entre el prisma y el medio luminoso. Si la luz hubiera sido de naturaleza ondulatoria, entre dicho agujero y el prisma, se hubiera producido una radiación en forma de ondas; un rayo láser tiene que ser de naturaleza corpuscular.. Esto por un lado, las ondas no se pueden difundir en el vacío interestelar; el éter no es mas que un concepto subjetivo.. Un rayo de luz de un cuerpo cercano, produce muchas radiaciones simultaneas. Si el rayo es de un cuerpo lejano, se producen muy pocas radiaciones simultaneas; las mas intensas se produce primero, y después el mes intensas; además todas las radiaciones van perdiendo intensidad en función de la distancia. (radiación hacia el rojo) Las ondas se necesitan moverse en un espacio en que los átomos o moléculas estén en contacto, unos con otros; por lo cual tampoco en el aire o en un gas no existe esta condición. Como el sonido no se transmite por ondas en un gas, lo hace por la velocidad que tienen algunos de sus átomos o moléculas que se mueven a dicha velocidad...

Dentro de un medio compacto, las ondas se propagan en forma de esferas (en los llamdos campos de fuerza volumétricos) concéntricas, por lo cual su energía actuante se distribuye de la misma manera. Los que se llaman campos de fuerza actuantes, variarán en proporción de su radio, en 1/r3 en vez de 1/r2 como lo establece la formula de Newton: (F = G Mm/r2). Dentro de los líquidos, sus átomos o moléculas están en contacto; por lo cual las ondas se distribuyen en forma esférica. En la superficie de un líquido, colindante con el aire o un gas, las ondas se distribuyen en forma circular plana, debido a que no ayuda el aire o gas colindante, por lo cual su variación energética variará en proporción 1/r2.. La acción de las ondas es normal a su propagación y se llaman ondas transversales. Las llamadas ondas longitudinales adolecen de algunas contradicciones. En la década de los 70 se descubrió que algunos cuásares se estaban expandiendo a velocidades mucho mayores que las de la luz; pero esto se consideró como algo aparente, pues Einstein había establecido que la mayor velocidad que podía existir era la de luz. Se consideró que las radiaciones que recibíamos de los cuásares eran producidas por diferentes medios luminosas (electrones), que al coincidir diferentes radiaciones no producían un aumento de su intensidad, sino un aparente aumento de velocidad (diagonal, no normales...)... Con esto la idea de Einstein de que la máxima velocidad que puede existir era igual a (c ) quedaba salvada....

El retrazo de la física debido a las radiaciones ondulatorias se ha prolongado hasta la actualidad. A finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, al hacer observaciones más precisas en los átomos y astronómicas, se descubrieron pequeñas diferencias entre las teorías y las observaciones; por lo cual Einstein estableció sus teorías con ideas subjetivas, como que la luz esa una constante universal, que los tiempos varían de acuerdo con la velocidad del medio, que el espacio interestelar no es recto sino que se deforma de acuerdo con la acción de la gravedad, etc; todo esto aparte de que siguió considerando las radiaciones de naturaleza ondulatoria, y de que la física moderna también adolece de las mismas fallas.

Como en 1945, mi padre Estanislao de Hoyos comprobó que las teorías de la relatividad estaban equivocadas. Con la luz de naturaleza corpuscular, pudo considerar que esta se podía aberrar no nada mas geométricamente, sino también dinámicamente y de acuerdo con las observaciones mas precisas. Sus trabajos los presentó en un congreso; pero ni siquiera se molestaron en informarle de haberlos recibido. Como esto me pareció muy injusto, como en 1965, en que mis condiciones económicas me lo permitieron, comencé a estudiar y a investigar la física, tratando de imponer las ideas de mi padre, y no nada mas me di cuenta de las fallas de la relatividad, sino de toda la física moderna. Considerando que el estudio de esta ciencia se debía basar en lo más pequeño; concebí mi átomo de órbitas poligonales de acuerdo con las teorías de radiación de cuerpo negro y con las ideas de mi padre. Después de registrar mis trabajos para asegurar mi prioridad, mandé mis escritos por correo ordinario a muchos de los físicos mas conocidos; muchos me contestaron de haberlos recibido. Comenzando el siglo XXI mandé mis trabajos por internet. En un principio me di cuenta que se ignoró completamente mi trabajo, yo entendí que era por el gran prestigio que tenía la física moderna. Pero no fue así, porque después me di cuenta de que si se reconoció mi trabajo y se dieron cuenta de que en la física moderna todas las teorías ondulatorias estaban equivocadas; pero en vez de reconocer mi prioridad, se las comenzaron a atribuir a unos ladrones corruptos. En el (2005) se les otorgó el premio Nivel de física a lps ladrones :Roy J. Glauber de Harvard, John L. Hall de Colorado, Theodor W. Henssch de Munich: en complicidad con el corrupto e inepto ex presidente del premio Nobel de física Sine Swanberg. En el (2008) se les otrorgó a los ladrones Toshihide Miskawa de la universidad de Kioto; de Makoto Kobayashi, que trabaja en investigación de aceleradores de alta energía en Tsukuba; y Ycchiro Nambu de la universidad de Chicago; en complicidad con otro inepto y corrupto presidente del actual comité del premio Nobel de física Gunnar Oquest.

Desde el siglo XIX a la fecha la física a tenido retrocesos, debido a la aceptación de las radiaciones ondulatorias y a las fallas de la física moderna; ha sido en un tiempo muy largo. En estos últimos años actuales se han dado cuenta, por mis escritos, de su error, como lo prueba el premio Nobel de física 2005, contradictorio de la física moderna, al considerar que ciertas radiaciones se producen con una frecuencia uniforme independiente de la temperatura; idea esta que me ha sido robada, atribuyéndosela a los ganadores de dicho premio.. Otra idea que me han robado (mis ideas de corpúsculos y microcorpúsculos; en vez de ondas...) es la del premio Nobel de física 2008: también en contradicción con la física moderna que considera que la menor partícula existente es el electrón; esto a pesar de que con os aceleradores de partículas, desde hace tiempo se habían producido partículas mas pequeñas. Entre malas interpretaciones y robos la física a tenido sus retrocesos por muchos años. Aquí quiero volver a aclarar que los vecdaderos estructuradotes de la física macroscópica fueron: Galileo (Italia) y Newton (Inglaterra), y de la microscópica mi padre Estanislao de Hoyos y yo (México).

qc.c. Lic.Felipe Calderón; Presidente de México
c.c. Lic. Natividad González Parás, Gobernador de Nuevo León
c.c. Cónsul de Suecia en Monterrey, México c .c. Periódico A.B.C. c.c. Canal 11 de Monterre.y
c.c . por internet


Gravity microcorpuscle: mg = 7.811 x 10—58 Kg.
Light corpuscle: mc = 1.47236 x 10—50 Kg.
Propeller particle, 7 orbit m7 = 4.8324 x 10—38 Kg.
Mass of the electron me = 9.1091 x 10—31 Kg
¨ ¨ a proton: mp = 1.6725 x 10--27 Kg.
¨ ¨ ¨ Earth = 5.975 x 1024 Kgs.
¨ ¨ ¨ Sun = 1.985 x 1030 ¨

Radius ¨ proton: r+ = 1.7143 x 10—14 m
¨ ¨ ¨ electron: re = 1.4 x 10—15 m
¨ ¨ ¨ seven shell: r7 = 1.13763 x 10—10 m
¨ ¨ ¨ Earth: r = 6.375 x 106 m
¨ ¨ ¨ Sun: rs = 7 x 108 m
¨ ¨ ¨ Earth orbit: r = 1.48 x 1011 m
Length of a side of polygonal orbit: lv = .2.55 x 10—11 m
Length of a multimolecule: lm = 5.68815 x 10—4 m
Radius of a virtual orbit: rv = 2.06 x 10 --4 m (maximum orbit)
Radius (maximum) of a Coulomb´s orbit: rc = 0.895 m

Time of return distance of light corpuscles: tr =1.58 x 1018 Sec
Time of deflection (electron 7 orbit): t>7 = 4.47 x 10—20 Sec.
Time of orbit ( ¨ ¨ ¨ ): to = 2.3084 x 10—10 Sec.
Time of vertex : ( ¨ ¨ ¨ ) tv7 = 8.27 x 10—17 Sec.
Time of jump ( ¨ ¨ ¨ ) tj7 = 1.12 x 10—11 Sec. = 135,632 tv7
Time of multimolecule: tm = 2.8 x 10—5 Sec.
1 year = 31,557,600 seconds

Deflection velocity of sever orbit electron: v7 = 69,098 m / Sec.
Velocity of the seven orbit electron: ve7 = 308,570 m / Sec.
Velocity of the seven nushel positive particle: v+7 = 672.27 m / Sec.

h = 6.6256 x 10—34 joule = 1 quantum.
1 coulomb = 1 joule
Electron charge: qe = 1 eV. = 1.6 x 10—19 joule
 = 9.2754 x 10—28 joule = 1 magnetron of Bohr.
K = 9 x 109 newton m2 / coulomb2 = coefficient of Coulomb´s law
k = 1.38 x 10--23. joule / molecule oK = coefficient of Boltzmann´s law
G = 6.673 x 10—11 m3 / (Kg Sec2) = constant of universal gravitation.
135,632 t> = 1 tj
135,632 t>7 = 1 tj
L = 0.895 m = maximum disance at which works the Coulomb´s formula-


Before the experiment of Griffith, it was suppose that with certain heat a microorganism could be destroyed. Grifflith proved that with certain heat not all the structure of the microorganism were destroyed, and that at least its DNA was not affected. The structure of the DNA has many short circuits that nullify many effects of secondary currents that are produced in the cells and in the microorganisms. If are placed the extremes of two electrodes spaced one millimeter, when an electric current (10 volts, 0.008 Amp.) is circulating, it will produce a continuous spark between them. This spark produces heat, whose intensity destroy some parts of the microorganisms, and this have been proved in the practice.

In mechanophysics is not accepted the model of the free electrons. It is considered that the electrons move along a chain of multimolecules that are formed in the conductor when is produced a difference of electric potential. The electrons of the current move from the atom of less potential toward the atom of more potential (here we consider that from the less positive toward the more positive); this movement is around each atom of the multimolecule, during a time equal to: 1.12 x 10—11 second / atom, as will be explained later. When the electron arrives to the atom of higher potential of the multimolecule, it jumps to the atom of less potential of the adjacent multimolecule, in which is repeated the same movement. When the electron arrives to the atom of higher potential of the multimolecule (last atom), jumps to the adjacent multimolecule, that has more potential.

I am not sure, exactly, when began my investigation on physics. First I was interested in divulgate the theories of my father, so I studied them and afterward those of relativity; in these last ones I found many fails; so, also I got interested in study some modern physics, and also found many fails in it, and determine they had not good roots; that is, they were not founded in the structure of the atoms. I remember. as in 1965, doctor Rodolfo Castillo Bahena was director of the department of physics in the ISTESM. that told me that the real progress of physics was conditioned to a good model of atom; immediately I accepted this because always was in accordance with it. I began to study all the models of atoms existing them, but none satisfied me. Finally I conceived that of the polygonal orbits. and tried to make a detailed one of it. Afterward. and due that there are many alternatives in some details, I decided that this would be obtained when we advanced in our studies, and that is better to give the most simple model in first place.

The correct study of physics must be based in the structure of the atoms, and for to understand this we ought to know many things of a correct physics; Nevertheless physics science has not been developed parting from its roots, but from the macroscopic and more evident bodies and particles. For develop mechanophysics I parted from a model of atom that consider was the most logic; for understand this there are many details that here will be omitted, but afterward will be given in other themes. Exist the idea that physics ( and all sciences) have developed because all the discoveries made of it have been proved; but here there is a confusion; one thing is to prove something and other is to give an explanation of it (correct or wrong) of it. Newton explained with his fields of gravity forces, the movement of the planets around the Sun, and this explanation has prevailed till the present time; but with this has not been proved how works the gravity.

In his electromagnetic theories Maxwell supposed that any electric particles, from the most elemental one, that in this case would be an electron with negative charge, or a proton or a positron with positive charge; they would emit their electric fluid in all directions, forming an electric field with their corresponding sign. I am not in accordance with this, because this would mean that neither the electrons nor the protons have only one side in which they can emit (and receive) their radiations. An electron or a proton have only one side in which they emit their radiation. An electron or a proton, in a given instant only can emit their radiation in only one way; in many instant they can emit many radiation in many direction forming a field. A particle formed by many atoms and that has an electric positive charge, or a negative one, can form an electric field with many atoms, positive, or negative (in accordance with the excess of protons or electrons); this because in the charged particle each atom will try to emit its radiation at the same time than the others, in all directions (in all angles...).

As said before, I conceived a model of atom, taking in account many facts, but without pretending give the proves of it; these will be obtained with the progress of physics.. In some way I imagine an atom similar to a solar system; in other aspects have to take in account the behavior of the atoms; had to take in account the limitation of the laws of the classical dynamics; the behavior of the electromagnetic and the gravity radiations; of the black body radiations, etc. Avoiding many explanations that will be understand when we advance in our study, was conceived this model with the polygonal orbits, corresponding to the shells of the atom. Not all the atoms have the same radii; and these could vary in accordance with the model it is consider; mathematically can give a great approximation to the atomic values, in order that fix very well with a model (but not with all). It was consider an average radius: r7 = 1.13763 x 10—10 m., that is equal to the most external orbit or shell. There are seven shells (n = 7). spaced at equal distance one from each other. In the first orbit (square one) the electron moves at v = 2160 Kms./ Sec; in the (n) shell, formed by a regular polygon of 4 n sides, the orbital electron moves at a velocity: vn = v1 /n = 2160 / n Kms./ Sec.. In our model the orbit of the electron is not produced in a flat plane, because this plane has a spin, as will be explained afterward. Considering the rotation of the electron and the spin of its orbit, the electron will move around its shell in a time we will call time of jump: tj = 1.12 x 10—11 Sec.

Till here, only have been consider the orbital electrons of the atoms but have not talked of the positive particles that could be supposed as a unitary particle that control an orbital electron of the atom. In our model have consider that each orbital electron has its exclusive positive particle formed by one proton in the H atom, and by one proton plus one, or two neutrons in the other atoms. To an electron plus one positive particle, working as was say, we will call: binary system. Here both particles rotate around a point between them; for instance he electron of the seven shell, at a distance: r7  1.13763 x 10—10 m; and the positive particle: r7´ = 4 r7 / 1836 = 4 x 1.13763 x 10—10 / 1836 = 2.988 x 10—13 m; etc.

Had not been explained how are formed and how work the binary systems. In our model have been consider a structure for the positive and for the negative particles; an axis, as a tube in the diameter of them in which are received and emitted some propeller particles formed by corpuscles as those of light. For to be attraction between both particles they must be oriented, co lineal and in the same way, their axis. All the binary system of an atom fulfill the fore condition; and as the positive particles are very much near one to each other in the nucleus of the atom, there is no rejection between them, because their diameter, always are oriented to their negative particles (never to the other positive particles…).

The two particles of a binary system are spaced a distance equal to rn = (n / 7) r7. The propeller particle mn; produces the deflection of the orbits of both particles, moving along the diameter of one of them, and after that, moves jumping to the other particle in which is repeated the fore mentioned movement and interior propeller action.. When this propeller particle is into the electron, it is produced a deflection in the trajectory of it (in a vertex); similar thing happens when is into the positive one, in its trajectory. All say here will be understand better with the numerical examples. The propeller particle mn; is formed by corpuscle as those of light. The mass of a corpuscle is: mc = 1.47236 x 10—50 Kg.; its kinetic energy when moving at light velocity is equal to one quantum, h = 6.6256 x 10—34 joule. A propeller particle of the orbital electron of the seven shell, deflects it with a kinetic energy equal to: K> = 0.5 m c2 = 0.5 m (3 x 108)2 = 4.5 x 1016 m7
K> = 0.5 me v72 = 0.5 x 9.1091 x 10—31 x 69,1002 = 2.1747 x 10—21 joule
v = radial velocity of the orbital electron of the seven shell
m = 2.1747 x 10—21 / 4.5 x 1016 = 4.8327 x 10—38 Kg.

Modern physics acceptsy as model of electric current that of the free electrons. This model is too much deficient, as have been explained many times. When it was conceived and accepted did not exist a good structure of the atoms in which could flow the electrons of the current. They avoided this problem considering that the electrons could be free to flow by themselves. With a logical structure of the atoms we have conceived a model in which the electron of the electric current move along chains of atoms we name: multimolecules. The electric current electrons advance from an atom to the adjacent one, moving in each one a time of jump: tj = 1.12 x 10—11 Sec. = 135,632 t>7 = 135,632 x 8.27 x 10—17 Sec.; t>7 = time of vertex (7 shell); equal to the time in which the electron moves from a vertex to the adjacent one. The fundamental idea of our model of electric current can be obtained if we consider a conductor wire in which are formed a bunch of multimolecules. If it is applied a difference of electric potential the electrons that are in one extreme of it will try to move to the opposite extreme spinning around each atom as was say, in a time of jump; after than jump to the adjacent and forward atom, repeating this process, and so on, till they reach the highest potential extreme of the conductor wire. In this process they can advance limited distances, we call multimolecules, along the conductor. In the higher potential atom of each multimolecule they get over saturated; with an interior propeller fluid, they get free of the fore condition and can jump to the forward multimolecule, their excess fluid is absorbed by the last atom of the fore multimolecule; in this way can jump to the lower potential atom of the adjacent multimolecule and advance along it, as did in the fore multimolecule, and so on.. A multimolecule is formed by 2.5 x 106 atoms. The time employed by each current electron along a multimolecule is: tm = 2.5 x 106 tj = 2.5 x 106 x 1.12 x 10—11 = 2.8 x 10--5 Sec. The fundamental times of our model of electric current are: t>7, tj, tm , etc.

In figure (3), with (O) is indicated the nucleus of an atom, around it spin all the positive particles of ùuu++
the binary systems that form the nucleus of the atom, also spin the orbital electrons. The regular polygons concentric to the nucleus, have from the seven orbit toward the first the following quantity of sides: 7 x 4 = 28, 6 x 4 = 24, ... 1 x 4 = 4. The fore are the orbits of the nucleus formed by the positive particles of the binary systems; the negative particles or electrons have similar orbits, but much bigger. Practically all the sides of the same sign have the same length. In figure (2) is indicated in a schematic way a piece of trajectory of a seven orbit electront: y, z, e, a; (o) is the center of rotation. The 7 orbital electron moves around the nucleus (o) with a velocity: v7 = 309 Kms../ Sec.. The polygonal orbit also will spin, but in a perpendicular way around the nucleus (o), this due to the Bohr´s magnetron, that acts normally to the electron trajectory, as is indicated by the displacement e e´. Here the distance (ze) is proportional to the translation velocity v7 of the electron and ee´ is proportional to the perpendicular velocity of the vertex of the orbit; this due to the kinetic energy produced by the Bohr´s magnetron, and is equal to the angular velocity  of the plane of the orbit. Considering the plane of the orbit. in figure (2´) the distances: zy, ze, are equal each one to a side of the polygonal orbit; e´ e is the radial deflection of the orbital electron in a vertex.
The effect of “energy” of the magnetron of Bohr is equal to: . = 9.2754 x 10—28 joule; acting n accordance with the left hand rule; but this action is inverted when the orbital electron is moving in opposite direction than the advance of the electrons current, this in accordance with the explanations given in the theme: Rejecting Velocity and Admision Velocity, when two bodies that produce some field move in opposite side, there is a rejection effect between them. The action of the magnetic field produced by the moving electron,will be in the same way than the hands of the clock, for an observer that is in front of the advancing electron,when it moves in the same way of the flux of the electric current (of arrow F); and in the opposite way when the flux is inverted, as is indicated by the arrow (F), as can be appreciated in figure (2) (experiment of Stern & Gerlach). In this figure, schematically is represented the effective advance of the electron with the arrow F (equal to the direction that has the conductor). While the electron moves from the vertex (z) to (e), at a velocity v7, its orbit spins an angle (); in such way that the vertex (e) is displaced to (e´), because the action of the magnetron of Bohr

Kinetic energy of the orbital electron: (7ª orbit) :
Ke7 = 0.5 x 9.11 x 10—28 (3.09x 107 )2 = 4.35 x 10—13 erg Each time that the velocity of Bohr acts in the orbital electron of the electric current in each vertex, the orbit spin the following angle
 = ( / 2 Ke7)0.5  / 14 = (9.2754 x 10-- 21 / {2 x 4.35 x 10-- 13})0.5  / 14 = 2.317 x 10-- 5 radians. 14 = 28 sides of orbit / 2

( / 2) acts in the positive particle (nucleus), and .( / 2) acts in the orbital electron.
For the orbit to spins  radians it is required:
n =  /   135,632 Bohr´s velocities. the orbital electron will move from one vertex to the next one in a time of vertex:
t>7 = 2  r7 / (28 ve) = 2.(1.13763 x 10—10) / (28 x 3.085 x 105) = 8.27 x 10—17 Sec.
Each time the orbit of the electron spins an angle = 180º (the electron has moved around all the surface of its shell), the electron will jump to the adjacent atom of the multimolecule, in a time of jump: tj = 8.27 x 10—17 x 135,632 = 1.12 x 10—11 Sec. = time of jump

In the seven shell of an atom one of its molecable electrons, or electron that can form a molecule, has certain saturation, In the H atom, its binary system when ionized can gets its electron moving in the first orbit, before it get ionized; then the ionization potential of the electron of the hydrogen would be: i = 0.5 me v12 = 0,5 x 9.1091 x 10—31 x 2,160,0002 = 2.125 x 10—18 joule = 2.125 x 10—18 / 1.6 x 10—19 = 13.3 eV; 1 eV = 1.6 x 10—19 joule

Since was known the existence of the electrons and of the nuclei (with our theory, the negative particles and the positive ones of the binary systems...) of the atoms, have been considered that an atom gets ionized when it gets free of an electron, because this the electron emits a propeller fluid, formed by corpuscles, as those of light, that have all the energetic capacity to realize this process. But this is not the only way an atom gets free of an electron, and jumps toward the first orbit. In a molecule formed by two atoms, in a given instant (time of jump) one of the atoms gets free of the molecular electron (molecable electron), because this moves to the other atom; in the following instant, the process is inverted; an so on; and all these without the production of any external propeller fluid. In our multimolecule the current electron moves along all the atoms without producing external propeller fluids, except in the extreme atoms of the chain of multimolecules…. It is possible (?) that the multimolecules are formed when is produced a difference of potential. For produce an ionization, this is accompany of a propeller fluid in the ionizer electron. Some atoms are ionized easier than others because they have a higher degree of saturation of corpuscles, such that with less corpuscles that are added, is produced the ionization fluid in the electrons that are liberated. In the molecules there is a continuous interchange of internal propeller fluid, that is of energy. In the electron of the electric current and the intermediate atoms of the multimolecule happens something similar. When an electron of the electric current of a multimolecule jumps to another one, only the electron gets free of its over saturation, that will be absorbed by the adjacent and last atom of the kuti,olrcule..

In my model of electric current, that could be named model of ionization or of multimolecules, is considered that the higher electric potential, is that that have the most positive particles, and the less potential that that have the less positive particles, or more negative ones. Here is considered the movement of the electric current equal to the movement of advance of the electrons. These move along a chain of atoms that we call: multimolecules, of nearly 2.5 x 106 atoms. The electron of the current moves along of each multimolecule, spinning around each atom, jumping from the less potential toward the most potential of the multimolecule; and next jumps to the atom of less potential of the adjacent multimolecule, and of higher potential than the fore one. Each time that the electron of the current moves along a multimolecule, as was say, gets a degree of over saturation of corpuscles that are yieded by the atom od the multimolecule (as those of light). When the electron of the current gets the mentioned degree of over saturation, can not advance, because it need gets free of this over saturation;, in accordance with the model, in order can do this and jumps to the adjacent multimolecule, were is repeated the fore process . When the electron jumps to the atoms of less potential of the adjacent multimolecule, before this, has get free of its over saturation, is produced a fluid is not manifested in an exterior way, because is transmitted directly between the electron to its adjacent atom, except in the case is produced what we have call an ionization effect in which is manifested in an exterior way the propeller fluid. In this way, the electron, being free of the mentioned over saturation, will be in condition to move freely in the less potential atom of the forward multimolecule, next will move toward the atom of higher potential of this multimolecule. Here is repeated the jumps process mentioned before, and so on.
In the same way that the electron (negative particle of the binary system....) gets over saturated when interacts with positive particles 2.5 x 106 times; the positive particle that absorbs the over saturations of the negative particles, also gets over saturated, in accordance with the capacity of the positive particle here will be produced an ionization....) when it is affected by an equal quantity (2.5 x 106) of the current electrons . The number mentioned before is equal to the atoms that has a multimolecule. The positive particle, that in the given moment gets over saturated and ionized correspond to the atom of higher potential of 2.5 x 106 multimolecules. Such ionization is manifested with a propeller fluid that emits the ionizer electron with the energy and temperature required for this process. In order to effectuate this ionization it is required a time equal to that that an electron of the current moves along (2.5 x 106)2 atoms of the conductor = 2.5 x 106 multimolecules. The ionization that is produced is equivalent to a high temperature.
In all the movements in which intervene the electron and the atom (more correct to say: the negative particle and the positive one in the binary systems....) there is an interchange of energy, manifested by the corpuscles acting as propeller fluids of the ionizer electron, as was say in other paragraphs. The ionization is produced when the electron has moved along nm = 2.5 x 106 multimolecules, in an electric current.. With our theories has been defined that the electrons of the electric current move along the chain of atoms of the multimolecules. Each is formed by about 2.5 x 106 atoms, as have been justified in other themes, when have obtained some concordances between some effects and phenomena. An electron of the electric current is able to move without problem from the atom of lower potential toward the atom of higher potential of the multimolecule. This can be explained considering that the electron in all this movement, around 2.5 x 106 atoms (binary system in the atoms....) gets a degree of saturation of corpuscles (as those of light). When the electron arrives to the atom of higher potential of the multimolecule it gets all its saturation (gets over saturated), so can not advance freely, so that in order to jumps to the atom of less potential of the adjacent and more potential multimolecule, the electron will have to gets free with an inerior fluid, of all its over saturation, that will be absorbed by the atom of higher potential of the multimolecule.
In the same way that the electron of the electric current requires to move around 2.5 x 106 atoms of the multimolecule, in order to gets over saturated and afterward gets free of this over saturation, that will be absorbed by the adjacent atom, that gets an over saturation, when electrons in an electric current have afected (2.5 x 106)2 times to such atom, so that can be be uinized. The effective distance that moves an electron in the fore process will be: L i = 2 r7 (2.5 x 106)2 It was say that the ionization of an atom of the conductor is equal to: i = nm io,---------------------------------------------- nm = quantity of atoms that has a multimolecule; io = energy of over saturation of the current electron. But in the same conductor can circulate currents of different intensity, depending of the different electric potential at which they are working. For produce an ionization in an atom, in all cases, this will be affected for the same quantity of interactions with the electrons of the current. It was say that between the electrons of the current and the atoms of the multimolecules there is an interchange of saturation, , by nm saturations produced by the electrons in the atom is going to be ionized, as just have been say As in these explanations there are many details that complicate the explanations; next will be given numerical examples; one with a conductor as mercury Hg, and other with a conductor of cooper Cu. In medicine, electric currents with about: V  10 volts and: I  0.008 Amps, are not harmful to the organism; because this, we are interested to know in which conditions all the conductors work in order to fulfill the fore requirement

In the table of radii of atoms, for Hg we have: rHg = 1.44 ; so we have a length of multimolecule for Hg: Lm = (2 r7) nm = (2 x 1,44 x 10—10) 2.5 x 106 = 0.00072 m.
In nm multimolecules is produced an ionization in an atom.
Time of multimolecule: tm = 2.8 x 10—5 Sec.
Time of ionization of an atom: ti = nm tm = 2.5 x 106 x 2.8 x 10—5 = 70 Sec.
As we are working with I acting in one second, this distance will be:
L1 = Lm nm / 70 = 0.00072 x 2,5 x 106 / 70 = 1800 / 70 = 25.714 m. in one second
r7 = radius of an atom.; nm = quantity of atoms that has a multimolecule. nm2 = quantity of atoms that travel the electron between an ionized atom and the following one.

Numerical example of a Hg conductor

(Hg): I = 0.008 amperes = 0.0000958 ohm / cm3;
i = 10.4 eV. = potential of ionization; A = 0.01 cm2 = section of the conductor
R =  L1 / A = =.0.0000958 x 2571.4 / 0.01 = 24.634 ohm / L1 = resistance.
V = R I = 24.634 x 0.008 = 0.197 volts / L1 I = intensity of the current expressed in amperes = 0.008 Amps . Ie = intensity of the current expressed in electrons / seconds = 0.008 x 6.3 x 1018 = 5,04 x 1016 Energy of the potential of ionization:
i = 10.4 x 1.6 x 10—19 joule = 1.664 x 10—18 joule.
Time of ionization: ti = 2.5 x 106 tm = 2.5 x 106 x 2.8 x 10—5 = 70 Secs.
Wr = R I2 = 24.634 x 0.0082 = 0,0015766 watt
Wi = i Ie / 70 = 1.664 x 10—18 x 5.04 x 1016 / 70 = 0.0011981 joule / Sec.
Wr / Wi = 0.0015766 / 0.0011981 = 1.3159
Wi´ = 1.3159 x 0.0011981 = 0.0015766 joule / Sec..
i´ = 1.3159 x 1.664 x 19—18 = 2.1897 x 10—18 coulomb
Temperature produced every 70 Sec. (formula of Boltzmann) :
Ti = 2 I´ / 3 k = 2 x 2.1897 x 10—18 / 3 x 1.38 x 110--23= 105,780o K

An atom (a binary system). in every (2.5 x 106) multimolecules, gets ionized with an exterior fluid produced by its electron. This fluid is equivalent to a high temperature (Ti), which value is given by the Boltzmann´s formula. The pathogen microorganisms have a solid cover (glicoproteins) that protect them of the humidity of our organism, but not of the heat produced by the ionization. In this is based the electrotherapy. Our organism is not affected in a no reversible way by this heat, because its humidity that dissipate the heat; also the ionization effects of the electrotherapy are very well distributed in the space and in the time in all the organism

For a copper wire we have:

(Cu) I = 0.008 Amps. i = 7.7 eV; A = 0.01 cm2 ;  = 0.0000017;
Ie = 5.04 x 1016 electrons / Sec.;
Energy of the potential of ionization:
i = 7.7 x 1.6 x 10—19 = 1,232 x 10—18 coulomb
Lm = (2 r7) nm = (2 x 1.17 x 10—10) 2.5 x 106 = 0.000585 m
Space advanced by the electron in one second:
L1 = Lm nm / 70 = 0.000585 x 2.5 x 106 / 70 = 20.893 m R =  L1 / A = 0.0000017 x 2089.3 / 0.01 = 0.35518 ohms / L1 V = R I = 0.35518 x 0.008 = 0.00284 volts / L1 Ie = 0.008 x 6.3 x 1018 = 5.04 x 1016 electrons / Sec.

Wr = R´I 2 = 0.35518 (0.008)2 = 0.00002273 joule / Sec.
Wi = Ie i / 70 = 5.04 x 1016 x 1.232 x 10—18/ 70 = 0.0008870 joule / Sec. Wr / Wi = 0.00002273 / 0.000887 = 0.02563 i´ = 0.02563 i = 0.02563 x 1.232 x 10--18 = 3.1576 x 10-20 Wi = i´ Ie / 70= 3.1576 x 10—20 x 5.04 x 1016 / 70= 0.00002273
Ti = 2 i´ / 3 k = 2 x 3.1576 x 10—20 / (3 x 1.38 x 10—23) = 1,525o K

In our organism Ti is bigger than in Cu and smaller tha in Hg. In any book of chemistry there are tables that give the energy of ionization (electron potential of ionization: i) of all the atomic elements; but these tables are obtained with the elements at certain temperature, pressure, etc.. With some higher temperature some atoms of a sample get ionized without been produced a difference of electrical potential: .To our model of electric current of multimolecules, also we can call: model of electric current by ionization.
Monterrey, México; 1965
August / 2003
November 2
If I were a protected investigator of a prestige university I would win a Nobel price of medicine by a work like this one.
Si fuera un protegido de una universidad de mucho prestigio ganaría el premio Nobel de medicina por un trabajo como este.

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